Shana Pasapa
YWCA Regina

Shana Pasapa
YWCA Regina
Shana Pasapa is currently the Senior Director of Indigenous Relations at the YWCA Regina, founder of Power Our Women Self Defence and artist at Pasapa Designs. She is a Nakoda woman and mother of 3 from the Whitebear First Nations in the Treaty Four Territory. She holds a purple belt in jiujtisu and has over 15 years of experience in martial arts. Shana was just a part of the winter buffalo harvest with The Come Back Society and the YWCA as one of the hunters. She honoured the spirit of the buffalo she took by making a beaded pillow named Standing in my Power that is displayed in Neutral grounds window downtown. She resides in Fort Qu’Appelle and enjoys spending as much time on the land with her children and her dog Caio.