Giving ~

We're here to ensure that your generosity creates a lasting impact.

Your generosity can be a catalyst for positive change. When you partner with us, you gain the opportunity to make a lasting impact in your community. Whether your passion lies in education, healthcare, the environment, or any other cause dear to your heart, the Foundation can help you effectively channel your resources to bring about meaningful change. Through the Community Foundation, your own legacy can be established to give back to any charity or community you wish plus there are no limits on the charities you support. 

This means you do not have to pick just one charity, but can choose multiple causes or charities and it is our role to forever honour your wishes, generations into the future. At the Community Foundation, we believe that change starts with a single act of kindness, a spark of compassion, or a generous gesture. It’s about recognizing that together, we have the power to create a community that thrives, leaving no one behind.

The Gift of Giving

Here at the Community Foundation, we are experts in the many ways of giving. We harness your gifts of donations and resources to help build legacies all across Saskatchewan. On your behalf, we handle all the details of your valued donation. Not only do we provide guidance to individuals, we bring opportunities for businesses to partake in employee giving campaigns and point-of-sales donations as well. 

Many charities, especially smaller ones, do not have the expertise or capacity to handle unique donations.  In working with the Community Foundation, you can let the charities you love focus on what they do best, and in working with us, you can ensure they receive sustainable funding forever through a Legacy Fund or immediate funding through a Flow-Through Fund. We provide expertise on the gifting of many kinds of commodities and personal belongings, including: 

We accept donations of cash, cheque, e-transfer, electronic transfer, or even credit card. While these options are convenient, typically these gifts are the least tax efficient wat of donating and encourage you to explore other options.

This option can have any person, of any wealth, create a lasting impact.  There are numerous options, and we can help guide you in the right direction.  We currently hold a number of life insurance policies donated by individuals to power their legacies after they pass.
Thinking of canceling an old insurance plan? Speak with one of our Giving Experts today to see how easy it is to transfer your old plan to the Community Foundation.

Your publicly traded stocks (CDN or USD) or mutual funds can be donated to the Foundation.  We offer this service now with zero fees into your fund!  Substantial tax advantages exist with greater benefits than just donating cash.

The donation of your mutual funds or RRSPs can be coordinated with no fees.  You receive a tax receipt for the full market value.

The donation of preferred shares could increase your tax benefits of up to 16% over donating cash from dividends.  Even more powerful can be the use of life insurance through your business backing those preferred share donations.

Homes, cottages, rental properties, and more can all be coordinated through the Community Foundation.

Land can be donated through the Foundation to power your Legacy Fund.  Specifically, with farmland, talk to us today about options in being able to honour your family land forever.

You can donate your mineral rights, receive a tax receipt of the market value, and we can hold your mineral rights in honour of your family legacy forever. For over a decade, we have managed over $2 million in mineral rights, and the royalties earned each year go to the families’ funds.

Did you know a Will can be contested through the courts? In Saskatchewan, a Will that has gone through probate is publicly available. Through a CRT, assets such as homes, cars, RRSP, etc. are donated into it, you receive a tax receipt for the market value, and then during your lifetime you can still use those assets.  Once you pass, the assets skip the probate and estate process and are transferred to the Foundation to then honour your life well-lived.

Vehicles, works of art, or basically any other asset can be donated to the Foundation. Give us a call to discuss further and we can chat about options and how we can make the process seamless.

Speak with our Donation Expert today!

Shauna Reiger -

Finance and Fund Officer

Speak with our Giving Expert today!

Shauna Reiger -

Finance and Fund Officer

Speak with our Giving Expert today!

Shauna Reiger -

Finance and Fund Officer

Donate to a Cause

Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? View a full list of funds to donate towards on our online donation portal.

See the impact your donation can have within the community!

See the impact your donation can have within the community!

Lorna Sandberg -

Director of Philanthropy and Donor Stewardship

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