100 Men Who Care Regina Fund
We are men of all stripes and walks of life. We are stay at home fathers, white collar business men, blue collar tradesmen, farmers, business owners, and the list goes on. Most importantly, we are all men who care.
Our understanding is that the concept for 100 Men Who Care was born in Halifax a few years ago and was fashioned after a group called 100 Women Who Care.
We’re a non-organization. We are not registered; we have no directors, officers or treasurer. We have no bank account because we don’t collect, spend or donate anything – it’s our members who make the donations. The group and its events are run on a budget of zero by a core team of big-hearted volunteers and with the assistance of some very generous sponsors.
Anyone! This is a networking opportunity, a chance to give back, and a fun time while helping out. Could you be one of 100 Men Who Care? Find out!
Simple. Once a quarter we gather and commit $100 each to a charity to be decided at our evening event. A small personal donation adds up to a big change for a local charity.
100 Men Who Care Regina meet once a quarter from 6pm to 8pm at a local establishment for some camaraderie, refreshments and to make a change in our community.
We are men of all stripes and walks of life. We are stay at home fathers, white collar business men, blue collar tradesmen, farmers, business owners, and the list goes on. Most importantly, we are all men who care.
Community Impact From Past Donations
Are you a charity that serves the Regina region? If so, would you like to be considered for a donation? Only 100 Men Who Care Regina members in good standing may nominate a local charity. But the best way to get the word out about your organization is to follow us on X and like us on Facebook. We are committed to raising awareness of all our local charities, whether or not yours presents, whether or not yours is ultimately a recipient of funds from 100 Men Who Care Regina.
March 11, 2025
Wow. What a start to 2025. Inclusion Saskatchewan started the night by speaking what they do as advocates for people with disabilities. Turning Point was started by two young guys who saw a need for people struggling with mental health. Ranch Ehrlo talked about their sports programs and how important it is for youth.
Breakfree Outreach was very grateful for the funds they received as they purchased new furniture for their space in north central.
Congratulations to Ranch Ehrlo! Donations are to be made at the following address: https://sscf.ca/funds/100-men-who-care-regina-fund/.
Consider donations to Inclusion Saskatchewan and/or Turning Point if you are able:
Wow. What a start to 2025. Inclusion Saskatchewan started the night by speaking what they do as advocates for people with disabilities. Turning Point was started by two young guys who saw a need for people struggling with mental health. Ranch Ehrlo talked about their sports programs and how important it is for youth.
Breakfree Outreach was very grateful for the funds they received as they purchased new furniture for their space in north central.

Congratulations to Ranch Ehrlo! Donations are to be made at the following address: https://sscf.ca/funds/100-men-who-care-regina-fund/.
Consider donations to Inclusion Saskatchewan and/or Turning Point if you are able:

December 3, 2024
What a super night. Stars kicked off the event by giving a heart felt account of what they are doing in the province. Legacy One explained how they use the arts to assist youth with mental health issues in schools. Break Free Outreach spoke about all the programs they do in north central Regina.
Realm rounded out the evening by stating how they spent the $7,800 from the previous meeting.
What a super night. Stars kicked off the event by giving a heart felt account of what they are doing in the province. Legacy One explained how they use the arts to assist youth with mental health issues in schools. Break Free Outreach spoke about all the programs they do in north central Regina.
Realm rounded out the evening by stating how they spent the $7,800 from the previous meeting.
Congratulations to Break Free Outreach! Donations are to be made at the following address: https://sscf.ca/funds/100-men-who-care-regina-fund/
Consider donating to Stars and/or Legacy One if you are able:
Congratulations to Break Free Outreach! Donations are to be made at the following address: https://sscf.ca/funds/100-men-who-care-regina-fund/
Consider donating to Stars and/or Legacy One if you are able:
September 10, 2024
Another successful meeting was held with Salthaven West explaining that they have been in existence for 10 years, working out of the basement of a residence and are fundraising for a building just north of the city. Realm Foundation spoke about how they connect families with physical disabilities with support networks and Al Ritchie Community Association spoke about their food and clothing store and other programs they provide.
Reach Autism explained that the donations received have made a big impact to their charity.
Congratulations to Realm Foundation!
Consider donations to Salthaven and/or Al Ritchie Community Association if you are able:
Another successful meeting was held with Salthaven West explaining that they have been in existence for 10 years, working out of the basement of a residence and are fundraising for a building just north of the city. Realm Foundation spoke about how they connect families with physical disabilities with support networks and Al Ritchie Community Association spoke about their food and clothing store and other programs they provide.

Reach Autism explained that the donations received have made a big impact to their charity.
Congratulations to Realm Foundation!
Consider donations to Salthaven and/or Al Ritchie Community Association if you are able:

June 11, 2024
We had another powerful meeting. Holy Family spoke about the roof collapse that they experienced in 2023 and the struggles that they had with insurance and raising funds for the repair. REACH Autism Learning spoke about their organization and how it started. They provide support for 10 families and assist autistic children with language and writing skills. CityKidz spoke about how they provide support for 75 children living in low income families and mainly in North Central Regina.
Astonished rounded out the meeting with how our donation helped send children to Big Sky Outdoor Adventure.
Congratulations to REACH who was the successful charity!
Consider donations to Holy Family and/or CityKidz if you are able:
We had another powerful meeting. Holy Family spoke about the roof collapse that they experienced in 2023 and the struggles that they had with insurance and raising funds for the repair. REACH Autism Learning spoke about their organization and how it started. They provide support for 10 families and assist autistic children with language and writing skills. CityKidz spoke about how they provide support for 75 children living in low income families and mainly in North Central Regina.
Astonished rounded out the meeting with how our donation helped send children to Big Sky Outdoor Adventure.
Congratulations to REACH who was the successful charity!
Consider donations to Holy Family and/or CityKidz if you are able: