You Matter Foundation Funds
You matter ;
“You Matter ;” has always been Turning Point’s slogan, which we have utilized in many pieces of merchandise. It seemed like a fitting name for our foundation. It’s a gentle reminder that YOU MATTER. Your life will always matter. You are, and will forever be important. You may not realize it but your life has much more of an impact than you will ever know. You have, and will continue to change lives just by being you.
This is the nonprofit arm of Turning Point, our mental health and suicide prevention clothing company that was established in 2021. We have remained steadfast in our commitment to donating 20% of profits to organizations aligned with our core beliefs. Over time, we have discovered that the most rewarding aspect of Turning Point is receiving heartfelt feedback from individuals who share how our efforts have impacted them. Knowing that our work is making a meaningful difference has inspired us to take the next step and establish our own nonprofit organization. By doing so, we aim to have greater control over how our funds are utilized for the greater good. This marks a significant milestone for us, and we are excited to embark on this new journey of making a positive impact in the world.

The origin of the you matter foundation fund
Logan Curle and Tayson Smith had their own experiences with mental health and the impact of suicide on their life. So, in late 2021 we founded “turning point” a clothing brand with a mission: to donate 20% of profits to mental health and suicide prevention organizations. As our brand grew, we realized the most rewarding aspect of our work was the positive impact it had on people—whether at events, through social media, or through our clothing. While our donations were making a difference, we wanted to see the direct impact of those contributions. We knew our customers probably felt the same way.
This realization inspired the creation of the You Matter Foundation. With the support of the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation we started a foundation completely separate from the clothing brand turning point. With this in place we can now have a direct hand in deciding how our Turning Point donations are allocated. We are also able to share precisely with you guys where your valued donations go. Whether that’s through a turning point purchase or donating to the foundation directly. Now let’s work together to make our community and the world a better place always remember you matter ;

By supporting the You Matter Foundation Funds, you will be ensuring we can support organizations that actively work towards mental health and suicide prevention. Knowing that our work is making a meaningful difference has inspired us to take the next step to ensure we can continue to make an impact for generations to come. The You Matter Foundation Legacy Fund will allow us to support the community in a more sustainable way for the long term. The You Matter Foundation Fund will allow us to support the community in a more urgent way for more immediate needs.

Our Mission Statement
Most suicide survivors describe their experience as almost a turning point in their life. Our hope is that people won’t have to go through the worst to realize how valuable their life really is. Everyone matters, and we want people to realize that and find their turning point before it’s too late.

It’s a gentle reminder that YOU MATTER. Your life will always matter. You are, and will forever be important.
You Matter Foundation Funds
By supporting the You Matter Foundation Funds, you will be ensuring we can support organizations that actively work towards mental health and suicide prevention. Knowing that our work is making a meaningful difference has inspired us to take the next step to ensure we can continue to make an impact for generations to come.
The You Matter Foundation Legacy Fund will allow us to support the community in a more sustainable way for the long term. The You Matter Foundation Fund will allow us to support the community in a more urgent way for more immediate needs.
10% Charity Matching Program
* For the You Matter Foundation Funds, the 10% Charity Matching Program applies to the Legacy Fund only.