Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Fund ~
- The information on this page was last updated on: March 5, 2025
Grant Deadlines: March 3 & September 1 (11:59pm)
Grants are made to promote social, cultural, religious, and other activities deemed beneficial to communities in southern Saskatchewan with priority given to the City of Regina. Grants often focus on supporting outreach to those in need, providing educational opportunities, and supporting the arts. For a better understanding the purpose of the grant program, please read the below description of the Johnsons and the Regina Spirit.
Types of grants available: Capital Grant, Major Equipment Grant, Special Grant
Please note: Guidelines and criteria may change before the application process opens for the next deadline.
Results will be communicated May/June for the March deadline, and October/November for the September deadline.
If you encounter any issues applying or reporting through the Foundation’s Online Grant Portal, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Guidelines and Criteria
To be eligible to apply for a grant, an organization must be a registered charity, a qualified donee as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), or have an affiliation agreement with and a letter of endorsement from a qualified donee, such as a registered municipality.
- Priority is given to projects that are innovative or show collaboration across multiple organizations.
- Grant requests may include program-based funding, capital or equipment funding or operating funding.
- Requests are not normally considered on a continuing or multi-year basis.
- Grants are not normally made to charities which operate primarily as grant-making organizations.
For a Capital Grant your application includes:
- Details of cost of building or facilities to be provided, how estimated, whether land costs, etc. included, and details of any existing indebtedness.
For a Major Equipment Grant your application includes:
- A description of equipment for which the grant would be applied.
- Cost and a description of how it was determined. Attach quotes, if available.
- Will the equipment necessitate the appointment of additional personnel, space or structural changes? If so, give details and how the increased costs are to be financed.
For a Special Grant your application includes:
- A complete description of the activity or service is to be provided.
- The project cost for the period to be covered. Please attach a budget.
The typical grant range is from $5,000 to $15,000.
If you are considering a larger request, we urge you to contact us to discuss.
How to Apply
- Submissions are to be made by using our Online Grant Portal
- Create a login profile with your contact information and that of your organization
- Before finalizing your application through the Online Grant Portal:
- Download and complete the required Grant Budget & Cost Form to prepare for uploading it as part of your application.
- Have your Financial Statements and Annual Report ready to upload as part of a complete application.
- Have any other relevant materials, in electronic form, ready for upload.
- Before applying, please review the application guidelines and contact the Foundation if you'd like to verify your eligibility.
- You will receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting your grant application. If you do not, please contact the Foundation.
- The Foundation may request additional details if necessary.
- The Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Fund is a competitive grant program. Requests for support typically exceed available funds, and not all worthy requests may be supported. Applications are assessed by the Fund Advisory Committee, with final decisions approved by the Foundation.
- The Foundation will inform applicants of its final decision by email. ([email protected])
- All decisions regarding applications and interpretations of guidelines and policies are final.
- The Foundation reserves the right to update and revise its program information at any time.
Application Checklist
To be considered a complete application, the following documentation must be received by the deadline:
- Complete and submitted Online Application Form
- Project budget – Grant Budget & Cost Form (revenues and expenses must equal to "0")
- Available quotes (if a Capital Grant or a Major Equipment Grant application)
- Most recent financial statements (preferably audited if the organization has been in existence for more than one year)
- Copy of your most recent annual report, if available
- All pertinent material that the applicant feels will help in the evaluation of the application
- Agreement with partner (re. charitable status), if applicable
We're Here to Help!
Do you have questions about applying for grants or scholarships? Curious about deadlines or would like more information?
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
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The Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Fund Story
The Lorne and Evelyn Johnson Foundation was established in 1962 with the objective of furthering the religious, educational and cultural life of Regina and the Province of Saskatchewan. The Johnsons saw the foundation as a way for them to continue to support those activities in which they had participated, and for so long enjoyed.
Lorne Johnson was born in Aylmer, Ontario, and moved west in 1906 to work in Winnipeg for the general land agent of the Canadian Northern Railway. He moved to Regina in 1909 when he acquired an interest in the Eastern Saskatchewan Land Company.
In 1911, Mr. Johnson was one of a small group of Regina businessmen who organized Sterling Trust Corporation, which later expanded its activities beyond Saskatchewan and established its head office in Toronto. He was the general manager of its Saskatchewan branch from 1918 until he resigned in 1941. He was also president and director of several other companies including Lorne Johnson Co. Ltd.
Mr. Johnson married Evelyn Vrooman in 1916. She was a native of Ontario and a graduate of the Toronto Conservatory School of Expression where she also studied piano. After graduation, she taught public speaking and dramatic art. Mrs. Johnson was a member of the Women’s Art Associate of Canada and the Canadian Literature Club.
Mrs. Johnson was very active in promoting the interest and role of women in Canadian Society. She held offices in the Local Council of Women of Regina, the Provincial Council of Women, and was a life-member of the National Council of Women. She was also active in the Women’s Canadian Club and the Red Cross, where she held offices at the local and provincial level.
The couple was active in the social and cultural life of Regina. They were both active supporters of Regina College. He was a member of the Board of Directors from 1918 to 1935 when it was taken over by the University of Saskatchewan. She served on the executive of the Women’s Educational Club. Mr. Johnson was one of the founders of the Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Orchestral Society, serving as president and director. Mrs. Johnson was a governor of the Regina Orchestral Auxiliary from 1935 to her death, and was a member of the Regina Women’s Music Club for many years.
They were active and enthusiastic patrons of the arts. He was president and long-time member of the Regina Art Centre Association and she was a member of the Women’s Art Association of Canada.
In addition to their cultural activities, the Johnsons were active in many other organizations: he in the Masonic Lodge, the Wa Wa Shrine, the Order of Demolay, and she in the Forget Chapter of the I.O.D.E., the Victorian Order of Nurses, and Big Sisters.
Mr. Johnson died in 1971 and his wife died in 1978.