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Impact Stories: Stories of Hope

Celebrating the Arts

Celebrating the Arts

The Regina Symphony Orchestra is grateful to the Bill & Helen Davidson Foundation for the $15,000 grant which enabled the 2013-2014 Music on the Road, an RSO Education & Outreach initiative. 

Music on the Road brings orchestral music and music education to Saskatchewan communities outside of Regina. This program helps to fill the increasing demand for cultural and educational opportunities in smaller southern Saskatchewan communities. The 12 core musicians that make up the Regina Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players perform an educational concert in the afternoon at a local school and an admission performance in the evening at a local theatre or hall. 

Over 2,500 students and members of the public attended Music on the Road concerts in the 2013-2014 season. The RSO Chamber Players performed a program entitles, “Spring Serenade” at the evening concerts which included works by Telemann and Strauss. At the elementary schools, the Chamber Players performed a themed concert that explored the different instruments of the orchestra and how they work together to create a symphony. The elementary school program encouraged group participation and we had a student or staff member provide narration for the concert. Works performed included chamber works and concerti excerpts by Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and contemporary Canadian composers. 

In each community, the RSO Chamber Players brought the experience of live classical music to appreciative audiences. The RSO Chamber Players (also referred to as the ‘core’) are the heart and soul of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. The group consists of 12 professional musicians, among the best in the orchestra. They are the leaders of their respective sections: Violin I & II, Viola, Cello, Bass, Trumpet, Horn, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, and Oboe. On top of their busy RSO schedule, many of the Chamber Players are teachers, composers, and advocates of the arts in Regina.

Allison Luff

Development Officer, Regina Symphony Orchestra

The Regina Symphony Orchestra is grateful to the Bill & Helen Davidson Foundation for the $15,000 grant which enabled the 2013-2014 Music on the Road, an RSO Education & Outreach initiative. 

Music on the Road brings orchestral music and music education to Saskatchewan communities outside of Regina. This program helps to fill the increasing demand for cultural and educational opportunities in smaller southern Saskatchewan communities. The 12 core musicians that make up the Regina Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players perform an educational concert in the afternoon at a local school and an admission performance in the evening at a local theatre or hall. 

Over 2,500 students and members of the public attended Music on the Road concerts in the 2013-2014 season. The RSO Chamber Players performed a program entitles, “Spring Serenade” at the evening concerts which included works by Telemann and Strauss. At the elementary schools, the Chamber Players performed a themed concert that explored the different instruments of the orchestra and how they work together to create a symphony. The elementary school program encouraged group participation and we had a student or staff member provide narration for the concert. Works performed included chamber works and concerti excerpts by Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and contemporary Canadian composers. 

In each community, the RSO Chamber Players brought the experience of live classical music to appreciative audiences. The RSO Chamber Players (also referred to as the ‘core’) are the heart and soul of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. The group consists of 12 professional musicians, among the best in the orchestra. They are the leaders of their respective sections: Violin I & II, Viola, Cello, Bass, Trumpet, Horn, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, and Oboe. On top of their busy RSO schedule, many of the Chamber Players are teachers, composers, and advocates of the arts in Regina.

Allison Luff

Development Officer, Regina Symphony Orchestra

The Regina Symphony Orchestra is grateful to the Bill & Helen Davidson Foundation for the $15,000 grant which enabled the 2013-2014 Music on the Road, an RSO Education & Outreach initiative. 

Music on the Road brings orchestral music and music education to Saskatchewan communities outside of Regina. This program helps to fill the increasing demand for cultural and educational opportunities in smaller southern Saskatchewan communities. The 12 core musicians that make up the Regina Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players perform an educational concert in the afternoon at a local school and an admission performance in the evening at a local theatre or hall. 

Over 2,500 students and members of the public attended Music on the Road concerts in the 2013-2014 season. The RSO Chamber Players performed a program entitles, “Spring Serenade” at the evening concerts which included works by Telemann and Strauss. At the elementary schools, the Chamber Players performed a themed concert that explored the different instruments of the orchestra and how they work together to create a symphony. The elementary school program encouraged group participation and we had a student or staff member provide narration for the concert. Works performed included chamber works and concerti excerpts by Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and contemporary Canadian composers. 

In each community, the RSO Chamber Players brought the experience of live classical music to appreciative audiences. The RSO Chamber Players (also referred to as the ‘core’) are the heart and soul of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. The group consists of 12 professional musicians, among the best in the orchestra. They are the leaders of their respective sections: Violin I & II, Viola, Cello, Bass, Trumpet, Horn, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, and Oboe. On top of their busy RSO schedule, many of the Chamber Players are teachers, composers, and advocates of the arts in Regina.

Allison Luff

Allison Luff

Development Officer, Regina Symphony Orchestra

Development Officer, Regina Symphony Orchestra
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