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Impact Stories: Stories of Hope

Investing in Youth

Investing in Youth

Thanks to support from the Moffat Family Fund in 2012, Joe’s Place in Moose Jaw, was able to take numerous low income and at-risk youth to various camps, retreats, day trips and outings. Several youth who are recent immigrants to Canada were able to go horseback riding and knee-boarding for the first time. Other youth who were terrified of heights were able to overcome their fears as they climbed Castle Butte and experienced the zip lines at Cypress Hills. 

We were also able to teach these youth work skills that will help them become healthy, contributing members of society. Some youth learned to cook in our commercial kitchen while others learned woodworking skills as they built their very own custom long-boards thanks to a dedicated volunteer instructor. Youth enjoyed many first-time experiences thanks to your funding. For some youth these trips are their only chance to go horseback riding, knee-boarding or to do something as simple as making a smore over a campfire. These are just a few examples of how your generous support has made a big difference in the lives of numerous youth!

Joe Dueck

Joe's Place, Moose Jaw

Learning how to cook in the Joe's Place kitchen is a really fun experience! I'll use what I've learned in the future and I already use it at home.

Riding my new long board is only half as fun as building it was!

Learning how to cook in the Joe's Place kitchen is a really fun experience! I'll use what I've learned in the future and I already use it at home.

Riding my new long board is only half as fun as building it was!

Thanks to support from the Moffat Family Fund in 2012, Joe’s Place in Moose Jaw, was able to take numerous low income and at-risk youth to various camps, retreats, day trips and outings. Several youth who are recent immigrants to Canada were able to go horseback riding and knee-boarding for the first time. Other youth who were terrified of heights were able to overcome their fears as they climbed Castle Butte and experienced the zip lines at Cypress Hills. 

We were also able to teach these youth work skills that will help them become healthy, contributing members of society. Some youth learned to cook in our commercial kitchen while others learned woodworking skills as they built their very own custom long-boards thanks to a dedicated volunteer instructor. Youth enjoyed many first-time experiences thanks to your funding. For some youth these trips are their only chance to go horseback riding, knee-boarding or to do something as simple as making a smore over a campfire. These are just a few examples of how your generous support has made a big difference in the lives of numerous youth!

Joe Dueck

Joe's Place, Moose Jaw

Learning how to cook in the Joe's Place kitchen is a really fun experience! I'll use what I've learned in the future and I already use it at home.

Riding my new long board is only half as fun as building it was!

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