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Impact Stories: Stories of Hope

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Leaving a Legacy

The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc

Since 1982, when disability rights were included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, young adults with complex physical disAbilities have been pioneers in education and social inclusion. However, in our community, research and personal experience demonstrate that there is a lack of personalized and meaningful employment, education, and recreation opportunities for young adults with complex physical disAbilities upon graduation from high school. The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc. (Astonished!) is a user-led organization based in Regina that works towards inclusive community where young adults with complex physical disAbilities (Core Members) can share their dreams, explore their strengths, and lead others to a more authentically inclusive society. We focus our efforts to address barriers so Core Members can engage in teaching and learning, experience social/recreational/cultural events, and develop opportunities for accessible employment. In our community, over 30 adults with complex physical disAbilities make up our ‘Core Membership’!

In 2014, we were pleased to open two funds at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, a Flow Through Fund as well as a Permanent Endowment. This partnership has increased donor options, and contributes to Astonished’s long-term financial stability. 

Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous

Executive Director

St. Paul's Cathedral

Tucked in behind Regina’s City Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral is the oldest continuing place of worship and one of the oldest buildings in the city. By the early 2000s, the 1950s-era parish hall adjacent to the church had badly deteriorated. It was demolished in 2012 and replaced in 2014 by a state-of-the-art Community Centre with offices, a hall and kitchen, and the Edna Forbes cloister. 

The “Building in Faith” campaign which raised funds for the project also provided for renovations and structural work to the area below the original church. This ambitious $4 million project was greatly assisted by funds administered by the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation. The Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation contributed $400,000 for the elegant cloister named in memory of former parishioner and churchwarden Edna Forbes. Dean Mike Sinclair, the dynamic young rector of the Cathedral, points out that, in addition to its long-standing tradition of excellence in music and liturgy, St. Paul’s has an active profile in social ministry to Regina’s downtown. On two Saturdays each month, the “Feed My Sheep” program provides hot meals and other assistance to the needy, often as many as 200 people, including children. Donations from the community are put to good use for the community!

Deacon Michael Jackson

St. Paul's Cathedral

The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc

The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc

Since 1982, when disability rights were included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, young adults with complex physical disAbilities have been pioneers in education and social inclusion. However, in our community, research and personal experience demonstrate that there is a lack of personalized and meaningful employment, education, and recreation opportunities for young adults with complex physical disAbilities upon graduation from high school.  

The Big Sky Centre for Learning and Being Astonished! Inc. (Astonished!) is a user-led organization based in Regina that works towards inclusive community where young adults with complex physical disAbilities (Core Members) can share their dreams, explore their strengths, and lead others to a more authentically inclusive society. We focus our efforts to address barriers so Core Members can engage in teaching and learning, experience social/recreational/cultural events, and develop opportunities for accessible employment. In our community, over 30 adults with complex physical disAbilities make up our ‘Core Membership’!

In 2014, we were pleased to open two funds at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, a Flow Through Fund as well as a Permanent Endowment. This partnership has increased donor options, and contributes to Astonished’s long-term financial stability. 

Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous

Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous
Executive Director
Executive Director

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral

Tucked in behind Regina’s City Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral is the oldest continuing place of worship and one of the oldest buildings in the city. By the early 2000s, the 1950s-era parish hall adjacent to the church had badly deteriorated. It was demolished in 2012 and replaced in 2014 by a state-of-the-art Community Centre with offices, a hall and kitchen, and the Edna Forbes cloister. 

The “Building in Faith” campaign which raised funds for the project also provided for renovations and structural work to the area below the original church.  

 This ambitious $4 million project was greatly assisted by funds administered by the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation. The Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation contributed $400,000 for the elegant cloister named in memory of former parishioner and churchwarden Edna Forbes. Dean Mike Sinclair, the dynamic young rector of the Cathedral, points out that, in addition to its long-standing tradition of excellence in music and liturgy, St. Paul’s has an active profile in social ministry to Regina’s downtown. On two Saturdays each month, the “Feed My Sheep” program provides hot meals and other assistance to the needy, often as many as 200 people, including children. Donations from the community are put to good use for the community!

Deacon Michael Jackson

Deacon Michael Jackson
St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Cathedral
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