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Impact Stories: Stories of Hope

Supporting Healthcare

The generosity of Derril McLeod and his family continues helping kidney dialysis patients across southern Saskatchewan. 

Last year, the Derril McLeod Family Foundation made a gift of $20,000 in support of the Renal Unit in the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. The Renal Unit solves a critical healthcare challenge — the demand for hemodialysis services.

An aging population and an increasing number of Canadians with diabetes are contributing to a growing number of patients with kidney disease. The Renal Unit provided 4,434 treatments over a one-year span alone from March 2012 to 2013. This gift helped create another location for patients to receive dialysis. 

Improving the quality of life for hemodialysis patients would not be possible without gifts like the McLeod family donation. 

The McLeod family’s gift to Hospitals of Regina Foundation (HRF) was made possible through the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF). In total, $105,000 was contributed to HRF from SSCF, benefitting all three of Regina’s hospitals. These contributions benefit patients by ensuring doctors have the very best equipment. 

The generosity of Derril McLeod and his family continues helping kidney dialysis patients across southern Saskatchewan. 

Last year, the Derril McLeod Family Foundation made a gift of $20,000 in support of the Renal Unit in the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. The Renal Unit solves a critical healthcare challenge — the demand for hemodialysis services.

An aging population and an increasing number of Canadians with diabetes are contributing to a growing number of patients with kidney disease. The Renal Unit provided 4,434 treatments over a one-year span alone from March 2012 to 2013. This gift helped create another location for patients to receive dialysis. 

Improving the quality of life for hemodialysis patients would not be possible without gifts like the McLeod family donation. 

The McLeod family’s gift to Hospitals of Regina Foundation (HRF) was made possible through the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF). In total, $105,000 was contributed to HRF from SSCF, benefitting all three of Regina’s hospitals. These contributions benefit patients by ensuring doctors have the very best equipment. 

SSCF donations helped purchase:

The Hospitals of Regina Foundation is so very grateful and appreciative of the support we receive from the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation. Gifts like these have a meaningful and tangible impact on healthcare in our community.

The Hospitals of Regina Foundation is so very grateful and appreciative of the support we receive from the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation. Gifts like these have a meaningful and tangible impact on healthcare in our community.

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