Joyce Gemmell Jessen Habitat Conservation Fund ~

Grant Deadline: August 1, 2025 (11:59pm)

Joyce Gemmell Jessen Habitat Conservation Fund held at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation accepts applications for projects or land acquisition/conservation grants. Applications must be received by the Community Foundation on or before August 1st each year for review. Requested grant amounts can vary each year.

The purpose of the grant is to support projects that preserve and conserve Saskatchewan’s native flora and fauna.

Successful grantees are required to submit a Final Grant Report through the Online Grant Portal. This report should outline the progress made toward the goals and evaluation measures identified in the approved application.

Grant Amount (Project): $17,000

Grant Amount (Land Acquisition/Conservation): $35,000

Please note: Guidelines and criteria may change before the application process opens for the August 1 deadline.

Results will be communicated in November.

If you encounter any issues applying or reporting through the Foundation’s Online Grant Portal, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.

Guidelines and Criteria

To be eligible to apply for a grant, an organization must be a registered charity, a qualified donee as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), or have an affiliation agreement with and a letter of endorsement from a qualified donee, such as a registered municipality.

Priority shall be given to specific proposals related to:

Grant Funds shall NOT be used for:

Preference is given to work at the local level, work that encourages local partnerships, and work that leverages additional sources of funding.

Grantees with over-due reporting may not be eligible to apply for or receive grants.

How to Apply

Application Checklist

To be considered a complete application, the following documentation must be received by the deadline:

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Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

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The Joyce Gemmell Jessen Habitat Conservation Fund Story

Joyce Gemmell Jessen was born in Moose Jaw during the “Dirty 30s.” Her parents, Frank and Jean Gemmell, farmed near Tuxford before moving to Moose Jaw, and Joyce spent many summers swimming in Buffalo Pound Lake or at her uncles’ and aunts’ farms nearby.

The idea of establishing an endowed fund at SSCF to promote land conservation and the restoration of the prairie ecosystem was an easy decision for Joyce.

After completing medical technologist training at Moose Jaw’s Providence Hospital, Joyce moved to Chicago, Illinois where she met and married John David Jessen. Even then, the rolling hills and wide prairie skies of her home province were never far from her thoughts.

The prairies are just a part of who I am – I’m a prairie girl.

“I’m a local girl ‘done good.’ This is a way to celebrate my roots, give back to the community, and to share the beauty of the prairies with future generations,” she said. “Saskatchewan’s native prairies are a fragile, disappearing ecosystem. In the 1930s and ‘40s, we didn’t know what our farming practices did to the soil. We didn’t understand how the roots of native grasses held the land together or how birds and wildlife depended on the delicate balance of vegetation, water, and open spaces. I’m thrilled that the Joyce Gemmell Jessen Habitat Conservation Fund will leverage community partnerships and greater understanding of this amazing environment.”

Community Impact