Moffat Family Fund to Impact the Community Better With an Increase in Funds

This year the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation is happy to announce that the Moffat Family Fund is able to increase the number of grants available due to the Moffat family increasing their funds amount. By increasing the funding available to be granted out, communities like Moose Jaw are able to benefit and help the community members to live, work and play in an inclusive environment. Discover Moose Jaw covers this exciting news, as well as news regarding the new online application process for these grants. 

The mission of the Moffat Family Fund in furtherance of its vision, is to enhance the quality of life and make a lasting difference, in communities where Moffat Communications Limited conducted business. Its primary goal is to support and advance the economic, social, physical and intellectual well-being of children and families, consistent with and in furtherance of the vision and mission of the Moffat Family Fund.

You can read the news article here. Grant application deadline is February 28, 2019. If you are curious about application eligibility, please visit the Moffat Family Fund grant page here.

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