Support Ukraine

Donate in Support of Ukraine

The people of Ukraine are in our hearts at SSCF. While we specifically serve southern Saskatchewan causes, we want to direct you to other causes offering opportunities for you to donate to help those currently in dire need in Ukraine.

Please note that SSCF is not directly affiliated with the organizations listed below. For any further information on the use of donations for each organization, please reach out to that organization directly.


If you are a fundholder at SSCF and would like to make a donation from your fund to one of the charities listed below, reach out to one of the following SSCF staff members and they will gladly help:


Lorna Sandberg
Donor Services Administrator


Donations can be made directly to the organizations below:

  • Canadian Red Cross: the local wing of an international emergency-relief organization.
  • Doctors Without Borders: a humanitarian group that’s been supporting Ukraine’s COVID-19 response.
  • Canada-Ukraine Foundation: a Toronto-based group that co-ordinates Canadian charitable aid to Ukraine.
  • Save the Children – Ukraine Crisis Appeal: an international NGO delivering emergency aid to Ukrainian families.
  • UNICEF: Your gift to UNICEF’s Ukraine Emergency Fund will be matched to help reach even more children and families in Ukraine with urgent humanitarian aid.
  • UNHCR – Ukraine Emergency: Your support can help ensure that Ukrainians forced to flee their homes are sheltered and safe.
  • GlobalMedic – Ukraine Conflict Response 2022: GlobalMedic is working with local agencies in these neighbouring countries to support the distribution of food, hygiene items and more to people leaving Ukraine, and working to support and facilitate cross-border distributions into Ukraine.
  • CNEWA Canada: A generous family from Alberta has pledged to match all donations in support of humanitarian aid in Ukraine up to $500,000.



  • St. Michael’s Ukranian Orthodox Church: All proceeds will be sent over to Ukraine to help support, including but not limited to: the civilians, the towns/cities, buildings, churches, hospitals, families, kids and so much more.
  • NASHI: Nashi is an organization that supports 20 at risk girls in Ukraine.”