Ubuntu Community Resource Foundation – Legacy Fund and Development Fund

SSCF and UCAS & ADPA are establishing a Fund in two parts known as Ubuntu Community Resource Foundation – Legacy Fund; and Ubuntu Community Resource – Development Fund.

The objectives and goal of these funds are centered in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – specifically in the “equality of human dignity and worth” of every human being, and it’s the other objects. The aim of these funds is focused on addressing systemic racism; and their work is informed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Declaration on Race and the Elimination of Racial Prejudice (1978). They also seek to effectively contribute to the goals of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024) – i.e., Recognition, Justice, and Development.

Donate to the Legacy Fund

The purpose of Ubuntu Community Resource Foundation – Legacy Fund aligns with the establishment of legacy fund – as a perpetual, holistic (human, social and economic) development goal that sustains healthy and equitable inclusion and participation of the people of African descent in Canada- to eternity.

Donations to this Fund are intended for long-term use and grow over time to benefit this initiative for many years to come.

Donate to the Development Fund

The purpose of Ubuntu Community Resource Foundation – Development Fund is to support the activities and programs of the Agency – both the short and long-term, including:

  • the establishment of office and community spaces establishing a sense of “belonging” for historically marginalized,
  • effective and efficient organizational operations,
  • human rights-based research and development work addressing and removing systemic racism and supporting healing, mental health, and human, social and economic development,
  • development of social capital to support respect of diversity, equity, and inclusion of African descent Canadian, other racialized Canadian and immigrants.

In addition, the funds will support Human Rights based Research and Scholarship opportunities focused on:

  • healing inter-generation traumas from slavery, colonization, and inequality
  • applied research and knowledge mobilization work supporting decolonization and,
  • addressing and working towards the elimination of systemic racism, critical anti-racism work, and inter-related systemic barriers.

10% Charity Matching Program

Thanks to an anonymous donor, this new initiative allows the Foundation to match 10% of all donations made to a Charity Legacy Fund held at our Foundation. Take advantage of our Charity Matching Program today to further enhance the impact your donation will have for years to come.

* For Ubuntu Community Resource Foundation Funds, the 10% Charity Matching Program applies to the Legacy Fund only.