Legacy Circle ~
Legacy Circle ~
Join a group of individuals who share your passion for supporting the community.
Join a group of individuals who share your passion for supporting the community.
Life is like a book. When your book is opened, what will that story say about you? What legacy are you going to leave behind? When you pledge to leave a gift in your Will to the Community Foundation, you can rest easy knowing that your story, your impact, your legacy will continue to grow and help your community, forever. Our Legacy Circle recognizes these current and future donors whose generosity and foresight will ensure that the Foundation will flourish for years to come. Joining our Legacy Circle ensures that your name will live on and your gift will create a lasting impact for generations.
Did you know...
Did you know...
- the number of Canadians leaving donations to charities in their Wills is currently 8%? If that number is increased to 13% by 2030, we will see Canadians contributing as much as $58B to the charitable sector.¹
- that according to National Institue on Ageing and RBC Royal Trust, only 30% of Canadians have an estate plan and 48% of Canadians have Wills? ²
- that of the 48% who have Wills, 74% are aged 55 years and older, 34% are between the ages of 35–54 years, and only 30% are between the ages of 18–34? ²
- that despite having the highest rates of planned Wills and designated powers of attorney, 53% of Canadians over the age of 65 have not updated their Wills within the past 5 years, and 57% of this group have not updated their power of attorney within this time period.³
- the average person will create their first Will between the ages of 45-55; however, a large portion will never revisit their Wills to update them.⁴
1. About Us. Will Power. (2023, August 21). https://www.willpower.ca/about/
2. Missing the mark – why are 70 percent of Canadians without an estate plan?. Pace Law Firm. (2023, August 30). https://pacelawfirm.com/wills-and-estates/missing-the-mark-why-are-70-percent-of-canadians-without-an-estate-plan/
4. Planned giving ebook. iWave. (2023, November 22). https://www.iwave.com/resources/ebooks/planned-giving-ebook/
The promise of today provides the nutrients for your future legacy to grow and thrive.
The promise of today provides the nutrients for your future legacy to grow and thrive.
- Recognition and Appreciation
- Exclusive Events and Communications
- Personalized Engagement
- Philanthropic Legacy
Making planned gifts through the Foundation benefits the community while providing maximum tax benefits and peace of mind to donors and their loved ones.

Sask Community Foundation

Sask Community Foundation

Sask Community Foundation
How to Get Started
How to Get Started
Through a single act of leaving a deferred gift to the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation, you are ensuring that the community will benefit for generations to come.
With a $1,000 initial commitment and promise that at least $9,000 will follow in your estate plan, a named fund will be started for you. This allows you to contribute during your lifetime as well, if you choose.
If you prefer to not start your own fund, you can choose to give to an existing fund. For example, our Vital Community Fund addresses the community’s researched and most pressing needs.
How to Give Later
How to Give Later
- Gift in your Will
- Gift of Life Insurance
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Stocks
We can provide sample Will clauses, but we encourage you to work with your professional advisors to support you in planning your gift to the Foundation.
More Information
More Information
If you have any questions on how we can help join our Legacy Circle, please feel free to reach out to our Community Legacy Coordinator!
If you have any questions on how we can help join our Legacy Circle, please feel free to reach out to our Community Legacy Coordinator!
Stay Connected
Stay Connected
Sign up for our newsletter today to ensure you never miss an opportunity to engage with the community. We will send you updates on how the community is fairing with our Vital Signs Reports, upcoming events to participate in, as well as our Newsletters released bi-annually.