G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund ~
- The information on this page was last updated on: February 26, 2025
Grant Deadline: September 1, 2024 (11:59pm)
The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund held at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation accepts applications for projects or operations grants. Applications must be received by the Community Foundation on or before September 1st each year for review. Requested grant amounts will have a minimum value of $5,000 and a maximum value of $30,000.
The purpose of the fund is to support general charitable purposes in the South Saskatchewan area as per the criteria and guidelines outlined below.
Successful grantees are required to submit a Final Grant Report through the Online Grant Portal. This report should outline the progress made toward the goals and evaluation measures identified in the approved application.
Project grants: No later than 60 days after the approved project end date.
Operations grants: No later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year in which the grant was approved for use.
Please note: Guidelines and criteria may change before the application process opens for the September 1 deadline.
Results will be communicated in early November.
If you encounter any issues applying or reporting through the Foundation’s Online Grant Portal, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.
Guidelines and Criteria
To be eligible to apply for a grant, an organization must be a registered charity, a qualified donee as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), or have an affiliation agreement with and a letter of endorsement from a qualified donee, such as a registered municipality.
Priority shall be given to specific proposals related to:
- Arts and Culture
- Education
- Environment. For example, proposals that support minimizing carbon footprint, pollution reduction, transition to clean energy, habitat preservation and/or restoration, and related education activities.
- Health including mental health, drug abuse/addictions programming
- Homelessness and Affordable Housing
- Indigenous Programming
- Poverty Reduction
- Youth
Grant Funds shall NOT be used for:
- Operating or capital deficits
- Establishment of endowment funds
- Investment
- Retroactive funding for past expenses
- Individuals
- Political Activities
- Continuing or multi-year commitments
- To confer private benefit on any individual
Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- How were the grant needs determined?
- What methods were used to identify the need?
- Which granting priority area does the application apply to?
- What capacity does the organization have to complete the work?
- What factors determine success?
- Are there other funders or funding committed to the work?
- Have any necessary approvals been achieved?
- Has any other work in this area been undertaken?
- Internal capacity to ensure project success.
Preference is given to work at the local level, work that encourages local partnerships, and work that leverages additional sources of funding.
Grantees with over-due reporting may not be eligible to apply for or receive grants.
How to Apply
- Submissions are to be made by using our Online Grant Portal
- Create a login profile with your contact information and that of your organization
- Before finalizing your application through the Online Grant Portal:
- Download and complete the required Grant Budget & Cost Form to prepare for uploading it as part of your application.
- Have your Financial Statements and Annual Report ready to upload as part of a complete application.
- Have any other relevant materials, in electronic form, ready for upload.
- Before applying, please review the application guidelines and contact the Foundation if you'd like to verify your eligibility.
- You will receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting your grant application. If you do not, please contact the Foundation.
- The Foundation may request additional details if necessary.
- The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund is a competitive grant program. Requests for support typically exceed available funds, and not all worthy requests may be supported. Applications are assessed by the Fund Advisory Committee, with final decisions approved by the Foundation.
- The Foundation will inform applicants of its final decision by email. ([email protected])
- All decisions regarding applications and interpretations of guidelines and policies are final.
- The Foundation reserves the right to update and revise its program information at any time.
Application Checklist
To be considered a complete application, the following documentation must be received by the deadline:
- Complete and submitted Online Application Form
- Project budget – Grant Budget & Cost Form (revenues and expenses must equal to "0")
- Annual financial statements, preferably audited if the organization has been in existence for more than a year
- Copy of your most recent annual report, if available
- All pertinent material that the applicant feels will help in the evaluation of the application.
- Agreement with partner (re. charitable status), if applicable
We're Here to Help!
Do you have questions about applying for grants or scholarships? Curious about deadlines or would like more information?
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.