Moffat Family Fund ~

Grant Deadline: February 28, 2025 (11:45pm)

The vision of the Moffat Family Fund is a Canadian society where all individuals have equal opportunity to develop their potential.

The mission of the Moffat Family Fund in furtherance of its vision, is to enhance the quality of life and make a lasting difference, in communities where Moffat Communications Limited conducted business. Its primary goal is to support and advance the economic, social, physical and intellectual well-being of children and families, consistent with and in furtherance of the vision and mission of the Moffat Family Fund.

The South Saskatchewan Community Foundation is facilitating applications for these grants in support of the City of Moose Jaw and District. Grant award amounts range from $1,000 to $20,000 with the average amount being $3,000.

Equipment Grants: for the acquisition of new or used equipment used to deliver programs or services consistent with the aims of the Moffat Family Fund.

Special Grants: for the delivery of special programs or projects designed to meet community needs that are consistent with the aims of the Moffat Family Fund.

Please note: Guidelines and criteria may change before the application process opens for the February 28 deadline.

If you encounter any issues applying or reporting through the Foundation’s Online Grant Portal, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss alternative options.

Guidelines and Criteria

To be eligible to apply for a grant, an organization must be a registered charity, a qualified donee as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), or have an affiliation agreement with and a letter of endorsement from a qualified donee, such as a registered municipality.

Priority shall be given to specific proposals related to:

Grant Funds shall NOT be used for:

Organizations may only submit one application per Moffat Family Fund deadline.

A grant agreement will be required. Grants are only to be used for the purpose described and approved. Any unused portion of the grant must be returned to the Foundation.

A report on how a grant has been expended and the impact it has made is required 30 days after the project end date, in this case no later than August 15, 2026.

How to Apply

Application Checklist

To be considered a complete application, the following documentation must be received by the deadline:

We're Here to Help!

Do you have questions about applying for grants or scholarships? Curious about deadlines or would like more information?

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

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The Moffat Family Fund Story

Community Impact

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