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Remembering Elder Margaret Masney

SSCF sends our condolences to the family of Elder Margaret Masney. Elder Masney recently played a pivotal role by providing SSCF with her written greetings which were read during the introduction of two Vital Community Conversations. Once with Treaty 4 Education Alliance and once with the community of Stoughton. Her powerful words will also be appearing on the first page of the SSCF 2020 annual report that is being released this month.

The SSCF staff and Board also send our sympathies to Elder Masney’s granddaughter, Tiffany Caron, who works at SSCF as our Granting and Digital Administrator. We send our virtual hugs Tiffany’s way.

The image above highlights the powerful words that Elder Masney provided SSCF. You can also view her obituary here:

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