Flow-Through Funds ~

Flow-Through Funds ~



Your impact is a force for good, providing immediate assistance when your community needs it most.

Your impact is a force for good, providing immediate assistance when your community needs it most.

Your generosity is more than a mere memory; it’s a beacon of hope that burns eternally. Your immediate giving becomes a source of meaningful impact for the causes and organizations that have touched your heart. It’s a gift that provides much needed support when your community needs it most, planting the seed for a brighter and hopeful future. The Community Foundation is committed to ensuring your giving vision comes to life, this is why we offer many different fund types to ensure you can make the most of your gift. Whether you choose a Spend-Down Fund to help give back to community in a manageable way, start a Fully Flexible Fund to support an organization’s emergent need, or open both types of funds to cater to different causes and community needs, the possibilities are endless! Explore the funds below to see how we can help you make the most of your generosity.   

Impact Funds Have on the Community

Impact Funds Have on the Community

Flow-Through Stories

1 Videos

The Lynn and Jim Tomkins Foundation Story

An Anonymous Donor Supports Phoenix Residential Society HOMES Program

The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund Supports Carmichael Outreach's Basement Floor Repairs

Fund Types at a Glance

Fund Types at a Glance

Click on the checkmark to view more details on a specific fund type

Click on the checkmark to view more details on a specific fund type

* In many cases, donors must start a Legacy Fund prior to creating a Flow-Through Fund. Email us at [email protected] for more details.

Why you might want to start a fund: Spend-Down Fund* Fully Flexible Fund*
I’d like to support emergent needs within the community; especially ones highlighted in the Vital Signs Report.

I want to support an organization or cause; however, I want to have the funds distributed over a specific amount of time rather than all at once

I would like to provide aid for an organization’s emergent need; however, I want to stay anonymous with this support

I’d like to grant out a pre-determined amount to some charities each year automatically until the fund is depleted fully.

Not sure which fund is the right one? Take our questionnaire to see which fund type is ideal for your legacy giving goals!

Spend-Down Funds

Spend-Down Funds

ideal for dividing larger gifts to a charity in manageable amounts for short-term, immediate impact.

ideal for dividing larger gifts to a charity in manageable amounts for short-term, immediate impact.

This type of fund is perfect for those wanting to provide funding to an organization over a specific period of time; it is not intended to continue to give back to the community forever. Instead, the capital is invested with the intent to grant the entire amount, including the capital, in agreed-upon intervals until it is fully depleted. Spend-Down Funds may be ideally suited for donors who are interested in dividing a larger gift to a charity in more manageable, predictable amounts for short-term, immediate, and perhaps transformative, impact. 

Some of the reasons you may want to open a Spend-Down Fund include:

Lorna Sandberg -

Director of Fund Impact
  • Fund balances under $1M = 1.5%
  • Fund balances $1M – $5M = 1.25%
  • Fund balances over $5M = 1.0%
Did you know…

Spend-Down Funds offer a hybrid approach, blending a Legacy Fund with a Flow-Through Fund? These funds are designed to provide annual support to the charity of your choice, but are set up to distribute the total fund balance over a specific period of time. Unlike Legacy Funds, Spend-Down Funds have a finite timeline, ensuring the resources are utilized within a set duration. This structure offers the sustainability of long-term funding with the strategic flexibility of a Flow-Through Fund, which allows charities the ability to plan and execute projects with a clear date in mind.

Although Flow-Through Funds are not the core of our business, we still strive to build, protect, and honour these legacies. We accept all kinds of donations to open this type of fund, including:

  • Monetary Donations
  • Stocks (Publicly Traded)
  • Private Company Shares
  • Land or Mineral Rights
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Mutual Funds, RRSPs, or RRIFs
  • Real Estate
  • Works of Art
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Lorna Sandberg -

Director of Fund Impact

Fully Flexible Funds

Fully Flexible Funds

great for supporting emerging needs within your community.

great for supporting emerging needs within your community.

While not the core of our business, Fully Flexible Funds can be useful in many cases. These can be great for supporting emerging needs within your community like those featured within our Vital Signs ReportsAll funds are still added to and share on the returns from the investment portfolio. There are options to keep these assets in shorter-term, less risky options like GICs.  

Some of the reasons you may want to open a Fully Flexible Fund include:

Lorna Sandberg -

Director of Fund Impact
  • 2% of granting
Did you know…

While Legacy Funds are designed to be ‘forever funds’ with enduring impacts, Flow-Through Funds offer immediate financial resources for emergent needs and specific projects? By enabling timely and targeted use of funds, Flow-Through Funds play an important role in enhancing the agility and responsiveness of charitable organizations, as well as prompt funding from donors.

Although Flow-Through Funds are not the core of our business, we still strive to build, protect, and honour these legacies. We accept all kinds of donations to open this type of fund, including:

  • Monetary Donations
  • Stocks (Publicly Traded)
  • Private Company Shares
  • Land or Mineral Rights
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Mutual Funds, RRSPs, or RRIFs
  • Real Estate
  • Works of Art
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Lorna Sandberg -

Director of Fund Impact

Supporting Our Community's Needs

Supporting Our Community's Needs

Here at the Community Foundation we believe in facilitating Saskatchewan values, supporting local charities and developing our community so that our home is a more vital, strong, and fair place to live, work, and play. As such, we understand the importance of addressing and bringing a voice to the emergent needs within our community. There are several initiatives we partake in to ensure that these needs are brought forth to those who wish to support their community and who want to make an immediate impact. 

Vital Signs Research

Vital Signs Research

Vital Signs© is a community check-up that measures the region’s health and vitality, identifies significant trends, and provides in-depth, up-to-date information about the people in these communities and the environments in which they live, work, and go to school. Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. 

Truth and Reconciliation

Truth and Reconciliation

The Community Foundation is committed to and strives to improve the quality of community well-being for all our members and in creating healthy and resilient communities.

In August 2021, SSCF’s Truth and Reconciliation Fund was established and its purpose is to provide financial support and to fund activities and initiatives that support the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action within Saskatchewan.

Supporting Our Community's Needs

Here at the Community Foundation we believe in facilitating Saskatchewan values, supporting local charities and developing our community so that our home is a more vital, strong, and fair place to live, work and play. As such, we understand the importance of addressing and bringing a voice to the emergent needs within our community. There are several initiatives we partake in to ensure that these needs are brought forth to those who wish to support their community and who want to make an immediate impact. 

Vital Signs Research

Vital Signs© is a community check-up that measures the region’s health and vitality, identifies significant trends, and provides in-depth, up-to-date information about the people in these communities and the environments in which they live, work, and go to school. Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. 

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